Colemore Junior School

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Complaints procedure

The Colmore Schools are dedicated to providing the best possible education and support for all its pupils. This means having a clear, fair, and efficient procedure for dealing with any complaints [from parents of registered pupils] to or against the school, so that any issues that arise can be dealt with as swiftly and effectively as possible.

Our complaints policy and procedures only fully apply to parents of registered pupils at the school.  If complaints are raised by persons other than parents, they will be dealt with under the different stages of the respective policy.

All school staff are aware of our complaints procedures and review this document regularly in order that they are familiar with our process of dealing with complaints and can be of the most assistance when an issue is brought to their attention.

The complaints policy does not apply to complaints where there is another route available to make representations or appeal.  This includes: 

  • pupil admissions
  • pupil exclusions
  • statutory assessments of special educational needs and education health and care plans
  • staff conduct issues, disciplinary issues relating to members of staff or staff grievances
  • matters likely to require a child protection or safeguarding investigation
  • national curriculum content
  • complaints about services provided by other providers who may use school premises or facilities
  • school reorganisation proposals
  • Whistleblowing; or
  • Subject Access Requests and Freedom of Information Requests


We are an 'open door' school who try our best to form positive relationships with our parent body in order to work in the very best interests of the children in our care.

It is in everyone’s interest that concerns are resolved at the earliest possible stage, before they become formal complaints.

Many issues can be resolved informally, without the need to invoke formal procedures. The School encourages anyone with a concern to address it informally by contacting the School office or by raising it with their child’s class teacher, or their head of year, in the first instance. We hope that they will either be able to address the concern on the spot, or they will be able to arrange to discuss it further at a mutually convenient time.

The Headteacher and Chair of the Governing Board will not routinely be involved in resolving informal concerns but, in exceptional circumstances, appointments can be made with them by contacting the School. It will be for the Headteachers and/or Chair of the Governing Board, to determine if the circumstances are exceptional and if it is therefore appropriate for them to become involved at the informal stage.

The process and aim for any complaint would always be to address the concerns informally first via communication. This will always be via the class teacher first. If a further escalation was needed this would be via the heads of year via an email to or a phone call to request a meeting.

Our school code of conduct also encourages open and respectful communication from all adults on our school site in order that we can all work together, to allow Colmore Junior School to be a calm, supportive and safe environment for everyone.

Please find below Colmore Junior School's complaints procedure.

complaints procedure 2024 04 23.pdf