Colemore Junior School

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Friends of Colmore

Who are Friends of Colmore?

Parents, Carers, Friends and Relatives who wish to support our Colmore schools. 

About Friends of Colmore

The school shares a very active parents’ association with the Infant School. There are regular social functions for adults, as well as fund raising events such as the Summer and Christmas Fair.

We are a voluntary organisation and a registered charity
(Charity Number: 1130623)

Parents and carers whose child joins the school are automatically members of Friends of Colmore. Anyone with a connection to Colmore Schools are welcome to become involved.

We have an elected committee who serve as trustees to the charity.

What do Friends of Colmore do?

We support the local community.
Raise money to support the schools.
Donate time and resources.
Organise community and fund raising events.
We run regular open meetings which anyone is welcome to attend. 

Interested in supoorting us?

If you are interested in supporting Friends of Colmore in their ventures, please contact us: